From 1st May 2023 the benefice of Christ Church Freemantle, and the benefice of Millbrook were united to create a new benefice: The Benefice of Freemantle with Millbrook.
Christ Church, Freemantle is the parish church of the benefice and Holy Trinity, Millbrook will no longer be a parish church. Our parish boundaries have changed to take in the current Millbrook parish. Update 2024 The public consultation on the closure of Holy Trinity Millbrook ended on 2 January. No objections to the closure and sale of Holy Trinity Millbrook to the Romanian Orthodox Church were received and the scheme will proceed.
It will take several months to complete the sale contracts and during that time the PCC of the parish (Freemantle with Millbrook) will be looking to find new homes for some of the items in the church. If you or a family member have a particular link to any item (eg kneelers etc) that was donated by your family, or is in memory of a family member, please do be in touch with us if you would like the item to be returned to you or passed to a particular church. We will do all that we can to ensure that family connections are honoured and respected. Please be in touch with us as soon as possible, and before 9 February 2024.
We would like to reiterate that the Garden of Remembrance within the churchyard will remain open. And this closure has no impact on the civic cemetery which sits behind the church itself.